May 28 Views (1840)

The Division Team Moves Quickly to Patch the Bugs in Update

Yesterday during their State of the Game broadcast on Twitch, the team behind Tom Clancy's The Division detailed efforts to fix major issues with the latest 1.2 update. 


the division cap


The Division's Conflict update brings some big features for players eager to find new things to do. But some of those features aren't working properly. Players are reporting that high value target missions aren't unlocking, and that the Clear Sky incursion resets all on its own. Worryingly, users have also noticed characters going missing -- a problem that surfaced with the last update, and was eventually traced to a server hiccup.


Ubisoft has already told VG24/7 that it's fixing the missing character problem, but it's not yet clear how soon the company will tackle the other bugs. We've asked Ubisoft about the issue and will let you know if it can provide some details. However, it's evident that The Division is rough around the edges these days. You might want to hold off until the kinks have been ironed out.


A hotfix for Daily Missions not appearing was formally announced as part of yesterday's maintenance. PC players' missing characters have also been found.


In the last few days Polygon has found that matchmaking instability is also greatly improved. We had no issues with joining other players for the new raid, called Clear Sky. Issues related to the doubling of the user interface, and the overall performance hits that accompany it, continue to persist.


There's still a ways to go to bring performance to where it should be, which The Division team readily admits. They've made the known issues more visible on the official forum's State of the Game section. Another round of server maintenance is scheduled for today.