Nov 29 Views (2237)

Madden NFL 18: The New Version Will Let Players Modify Their Controls

Based on the National Football League, Madden 18 is the latest installment of Electronic Arts' sports simulation game. EA answered many issues, including the issue experienced by PlayStation 4 players where games in Franchise mode would lag. "We want our PS4 Franchise players to know this issue is a top priority for our team, and we will do our best to get the issue resolved as soon as possible." According to EA. 



EA fixed a bug that triggered defenders to overly hurdle pass blockers, which according to developers happened because of an animation issue. Some users also reported experiencing clock issues during game overtime periods. This has been addressed in the latest patch as well. EA also identified and addressed a "rare issue" where the ball would be handed over to the wrong team "when kicking an onside kick out of bounds." Stay tuned for more information on Madden 18 updates as it becomes available, see more at here


Thanks to the developers of Madden NFL 18, reminded players that Perfect Kicks can be successfully initiated when Kick Power is at 100 percent and Accuracy Meter is disabled. Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) is the complete NFL team-building mode using your favorite NFL players from the past and present. Play games, collect rewards and upgrade your team with daily, fun and engaging content updates including legendary NFL players exclusively found in MUT. 


This year, the new version will let players modify their controls so as to fit their level of capability or experience. The new version in the known football franchise has enhanced its gameplay generally while introducing a ground breaking new story mode. The 3 on 3 game mode of football is tons of fun which develops the excitement of playing with other players online. Come to U4GM to buy the cheapest price of madden 18 coins and mut coins.