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How to use Elemental Rage in Lost Ark?

As with most massively multiplayer games like Lost Ark, there are always new heights to aim for. The latest and greatest weapons can be fantastic for a while, but they are soon replaced by something better, usually after new content is released.

However, there are plenty of ways to get new and better gear in Lost Ark. not necessarily the best. Not to mention the process of buffing current equipment, such as the case with Honing and Fused Leapstones.

In addition, there is crafting that requires various materials that players will pick up naturally as they approach the end of the game and eventually max level.

In addition, there are various degrees in which an item can be crafted. One notable example is Elemental's Fury, a crafting consumable item that users can earn in the game. What sets Elemental's Fury apart from other materials is that it helps create armor sets that can have powerful buffs if enough Lost Ark items are earned and equipped.

If gamers want to level up their item exponentially, Elemental's Fury is the way to go. Here's how to get Elemental's Fury and use it to its fullest in Lost Ark.



Lost Ark: Getting Elemental's Fury and how to use it


Where to get Elemental's Fury in Lost Ark

Unfortunately, Elemental's Fury cannot be obtained naturally, unlike other crafting materials. Instead, players must participate in Abyssal Dungeons. However, particular prerequisites must be met to unlock them before entering the Abyss Dungeon.

  • Step 1: Reach max level 50.
  • Step 2: Start and complete the Elzovyn the Dreamer quest.
  • Step 3: Raise the item level to a minimum of 460.
  • Step 4: Participate in the dungeons of the Abyss, especially the Hall of the Warped Warlord and Hildebrandt's Palace in the Ghost Palace.

Keep in mind that Elemental Fury is not a guaranteed drop. This means that repeat visits will be required. This is just one of several possible awards.

In any case, several copies of the crafting material are needed to create an item. Also, Abyssal Dungeons are only available once a week.


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How to use Elemental's Fury in Lost Ark?


After gaining enough elemental rage, are they consumed from inventory as consumables? As with traditional crafting materials, users must visit a dedicated artisan to do the work for them.

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  • Step 1: Find NPC Abyss Trade in any of the main cities; In North Verne, for example, there is one. The icon looks like a chest on a black background with two horns sticking out of the edge.
  • Step 2: Talk to NPC Void Trade and look through their list of goods.
  • Step 3: Exchange Elemental Fury for the item you need.

It's worth noting that gear isn't the only item for which Elemental Rage can be traded. They can also be traded for valuable items such as ability gems needed for powerful passive effects.